• Clearly defined dependencies and interdependencies between critical business processes and IT systems
• Clearly defined integration processes and dependency on external risk and emergency units
• Integration of the business continuity function with the change management process
• Processes and procedures which will ensure “site hardening” within the IT infrastructure, main computer room and recovery facility
• Timely recovery of key IT systems which supports critical business processes
• Operational processes, including testing and reviewing the plans, user awareness & training of the BC plan, and plan maintenance
Business Continuity Management can be scaled to suit any organisation regardless of size or complexity. No matter how large or small the organisation, there are certain controls that must be put in place in order to be able to compete in business and to comply with legislation and industry regulation.
In today’s ever changing, competitive business environment, companies are more dependent than ever on technology. Business has made it imperative to be available continuously, or face significant business implications such as loss of business revenue, market credibility, stock valuation, and productivity.Yet, Organisations often tend to concentrate too much on the technical issues of business continuity, e.g. disaster recovery and think less about the big picture: why business continuity is required in an organisation and the organisational interactions necessary for achieving the recovery goal. The “soft” side of business continuity is many a time glaringly absent.
RMSAfrica has many years of experience at management and executive level. We can assist our customers to develop supporting processes and procedures that can spell the difference between order and chaos. Implementing a Business Continuity solution offer the following business benefits:
• Clarity on business drivers for Business Continuity Management
• More structure on Business Continuity
• Compliancy to international business continuity standards, best practices, legislation and industry regulations
• Solving issues around too many continuity of business breaches
• Audit review requirements
• Role and accountability clarity
To assist our customers in achieving business continuity, we offer the following services:
Risk Assessments (RA): - RMSAfrica’s unique assessment methodology allows for reduced cost and improved operational efficiency by allowing the customer to measure and audit the business continuity process. Apart from being able to use the assessed risk information as a benchmark for future assessments, information is also used as input to the business continuity strategy
Business Impact Analysis (BIA): - The Business Impact Assessment holds the key to organisational survival following a business interruption since it provides information about which processes are essential to survive. It includes information such as, but not limited to, critical systems per business area, impact of non-availability, recovery priority of system in relation to the organisation’s business requirements and much more. RA’s and BIA (BIRA) are normally conducted simultaneously
Business Continuity Policy: - The policy specifies the continuity of business requirements in terms of required management processes, frameworks, ongoing programs of testing and review, and clearly defined roles and responsibilities
Strategy development: - A business continuity strategy is a long-term commitment. Once committed, it is difficult to change in a short time frame. The strategy must be sustainable. There is no point to having an imposing goal but no resources to implement it; likewise, there is little sense in having a business continuity strategy that is contradictory to the company’s business strategy. The strategy should be a measurable set of activities. Measurements ensure a controllable working of any strategy and provide the justification for any required changes within the strategy
Business continuity and disaster recovery plan development: - Following are some key components that make up plan documentation: