RMS Africa specialises in the following disciplines:

• Information Security management
Advise on and assist with the implementation of the security architecture (policies, standards, procedures and controls) to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information assets Information Security Management ensure the establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining and improving of a documented system within the context of the organisation's overall business risks. It allows for the implementation of security controls customised to the needs of individual organisations or parts thereof

• IT Governance
Advise on and assist with the implementation of the structure, policies, accountability, mechanisms and monitoring practices to achieve the requirements of corporate governance of IT. IT governance, like other governance subjects, is the responsibility of executives and shareholders (represented by the board of directors). It consists of the leadership and organisational structures and processes that ensure that the organisation’s IT sustains and extends the organisation’s strategies and objectives

• IS Audit Process
Provide IS audit services in accordance with IS audit standards, guidelines, and best practices to assist the customer organisation in ensuring that its information technology and business systems are protected and controlled. Referenced audit standards include ISACA and ISO 19011

• IT Service Management
Advise on and assist with the implementation of IT service management practices which will ensure the delivery of the level of services required to meet the customer organisation’s objectives IT Service Management is a process-based practice intended to align the delivery of information technology services with needs of the enterprise, emphasising benefits to customers. ITSM involves a paradigm shift from managing IT as stacks of individual components to focusing on the delivery of end-to-end services using best practice process models.

• Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
Advise on and assist with the implementation of business continuity and disaster recovery processes which will ensure the timely resumption of IT services, while minimizing the business impact Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Management is the process of developing advance arrangements and procedures that enable an organisation to respond to an event in such a manner that critical business functions continue with planned levels of interruption or essential change

• Training and Knowledge Transfer
Facilitate training courses in related disciplines. Training can also be customised based on customer specific business requirements. RMS Africa is an APMG accredited CobiT 5 training organisation